Client contact information of Foods of Plant Origin (FPO) program

Data restricted

This data is not and will not be made available. The data was reviewed and cannot be released to the public because of reasons outlined by the Digital and Data Directive.

Restriction: Privacy - Dataset contains personal contact information.

This dataset gathers a selection of requests to the Food Safety Programs Unit for food safety and traceability information over the last few years.

Data tracks interactions with producers, processors, organizations etc. who request food safety and/or traceability information or support from the Food Safety Programs Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

Ontario has a strong agri-food industry working hard to ensure safe and healthy food for the people of the province. Through all of its programs, the ministry helps the industry make on-going improvements to continue to ensure the highest safety of food produced and processed in Ontario. This data helps the unit better understand the information needs of clients.

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
December 18, 2020
Update frequency

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