Minister’s rulings tracker

Data restricted

This data is not and will not be made available. The data was reviewed and cannot be released to the public because of reasons outlined by the Digital and Data Directive.

Restriction: Privacy - Files contain personal and proprietary information. Third parties would have had no expectation that information would be released publically.

This dataset contains data (e.g., products and manufacturers) and dates regarding the processing of minister's rulings. The data contains personal and proprietary data.

Building materials, systems or designs that are approved by the National Research Council's Canadian Construction Materials Centre may be used for construction in Ontario through a minister's ruling. In such a ruling, the minister may impose terms and conditions on the material, system or design used.

*[e.g.]: for example

Ministry contact: Municipal Affairs and Housing

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
January 5, 2017
Update frequency
As required

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