Toxics Reduction Act – Living List Status of Nominations

The Toxics Reduction Act requires the ministry to consult with experts and the public at least once every five years about possible changes to the lists of substances that are prescribed as toxic substances.

The Living List Framework describes the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change's approach to reviewing and updating the list of toxic substances prescribed under the Toxics Reduction Act. Anyone may nominate a change to this list.

This is the current status of nominations for all substances nominated to be added, deleted or removed from the list of prescribed toxic substances.

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Last Validated Date
September 6, 2016
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Toxics Reduction Act – Living List Status of Nominations

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Date: July 28, 2016

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    Toxics Reduction Act – Living List status of nominations English

    Last Updated: September 6, 2016


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    Metadata record English

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