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Edamame crop trials
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Emergency management incidents
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Evaluation and results from Specified Risk Material (SRM) audits in licensed abattoirs that slaughter cattle
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Fair market values for major Ontario commodities
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Farm net income
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Farm Property Class Tax Rate program
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Fish inspector appointments
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Fish Interim Audit Program environmental testing data
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Fish processing activities
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Floriculture Integrated Pest Management (IPM) stakeholder inquiries
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Flowering characteristics of Easter Lily plant
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Food animal surveillance testing
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Foodland Ontario logo agreement holders
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Food processing client information
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Food processing investments and employment gains
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Food Safety Science Baseline Studies
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Foods of Plant Origin (FPO) - complaints
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Foods of Plant Origin (FPO) food safety surveillance
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Funding data for the Building Canada Fund
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Funding data for the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review